What is Staten Island Community Supported Agriculture?

  • You get a lot of food. You can split shares with a friend or neighbor.
  • It’s certified organic. No dyes, additives, or wax coatings—good for kids with allergies.
  • It’s local and fresh. (Supermarket organic produce often looks old and tired.)
  • A share costs a lot up front, but the prices are competitive. For example:
    • Premium is $45/week for 10-12 vegetables (½ to 1 or 2 pounds each) and basic is $37.50/week for 9-10 vegetables.
    • Free-range eggs are $6.67/dozen vs. $8.99/dozen at Stop & Shop.
  • We know our farmer—we’ve been working with him for nearly 20 years.
  • You build community with who like good food and like supporting the farming community.
  • We often have conversations about how to cook something, how to preserve items, and what to do with, say, kohlrabi!

Members share the costs of organic farming with a local farmer, John Krueger, Circle Brook Farm, Hardwick Township, NJ. The CSA collects the fees and pays Farmer John at the start of the growing season, when he has most of his expenses (seed, soil, fertilizer, and labor). In exchange, members receive 24 weeks of organic produce starting in early June.

  • Premium shares cost $1090.
  • Basic shares cost $900.
  • Medium pre-bagged share is $720.

Egg, fruit, mushroom, and flower shares are also available.

How does it work?

Pick-up is every Thursday evening from 5:30 to 7 p.m., starting in early June, at Christ Church’s parking lot on Fillmore St.

Weekly emails announce deliveries, work schedules, important notices, and tips. Members help run the distribution site during the season—each member works two distributions per season.

To join the Staten Island CSA (North Shore), go to Join. To join the Mid-Island/South Shore CSA, which uses the same farmer, go to Great Kills CSA.